söndag 21 november 2010


The last week has been fully booked, and we have managed to visit 7 citys an 2 countrys. That means we have a lot to show you guys. So lets start!


Our first time on the Shinkansen! It looks like a plane and also kind of fells like riging a plane aswell.

Arriving to the hotel

bought a one-day-buss-pass for 500 yen. it is sooo kawaii

arriving at our first tempel.

a dragon spitting water at the entrence

the leaves were changein, so very beautiful


takeing the subway back to the hotel after recognizing that every siteseeing place closes at 5 pm.

day 2: the golden pavillion

Every place we visit semes to be more beautifull than the next!

throw some money

great view

place 3: rock garden

is it said that no matter on what angle you look at this rock garden, you can never see all 15 rocks at once. one is always hidden.

Anna found a paying mentess

More breattakeing sceenery


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