söndag 26 september 2010

The trip

...Luckily there where no monsune. The reason for the delay was overtrafficing on the runway, so we had to wait. The flight went well, but we did not arrive on time. On board we got a form to declare for customs. It said you could not bring fresh food, so we had to eat all our fruit before landing. (And there were a LOT.)

Finally we where in Japan!

The airport was nearly empty. When arriving, a man called for us. It was Mr.W, he recognized us! With millions of questions from two very excited, overlytired and happy girls he kindly and with a lot of patience answered all our questions.  We quickly bought traintickets to get to the hotel. It was going to be our home for the next 3 days. It was the last train for the eveing so we had to run. The adrenaline was pumping again and the energy was coming back. This is for real. Really for real!

The trains was very clean, calm and conditioned. And dear Mr.W bought us a a bottle of water. We were really dehydrated, because you can not take fluids with you on the plane.

We arrived at Misatu. A beautifull little town! Started walking to the hotel, stopped by at a store and bought noodles, juice and bread. By then we were exhausted and it was hard to think, thank God for Mr. W for helping us, he is worht his weight in gold.

 We have never tasted such tasty juice.

Because of the time of night, Mr. W stayed over at the hotel and we met up at breakfast. We were supposed to eat at the hotll, they served rice cakes... We went on to eat a sandwitch and ice tea instead. Afterwords Mr W helped us to buy washingpowder an later on cash cards for the subway. So tomorrow we are off to Shibuya!

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