lördag 25 september 2010

The Trip

The travelers logg
We are at the Copenhagen airport. We are eating and studying japanese frases while waiting for our plane to arrive.

The clock is 15:10, it´s check-in time. Nervous, excited and very happy at the same time. Did we pack the right things for this trip? Maybe we should have brought more food? Millions of questions are in our heads. Suddenly it´s time to board the plane. Suddenly all questions stops and it feels good. We are on board and this is for real, today nothing can go wrong.

At the airplane we are working with our powerpoint presentation. The passengers next to us are from Japan and China. They are interested in Sweden and they know IKEA very well. Also H&M and Volvo etc. We tell them about The Entrepreneur School and our mission to Tokyo. They tell us many interesting things about China and Japan. Food is a very exciting topic.  = )

Arriving in Beijing we are a bit exhausted. Happy and still excited. Only slept 4 hours and lost 6 hours because of the time difference. We are taking long walks in the airport. I think we can say that we are experts at this airport. If you ever are going here you can ask us where the best view and comfortable seats are.
"The jetlag is kicking in... It's almost like we are walking around in a trance. This place is huge. The floors are shiny, not a lot of people and the same instumental music is playing in a loop for 8 hour straight.
The seats are not very comfortable and we do not know if it´s OK to sleep. When walking around to stay awake we found lounge chairs and a beutifull view! Outside the window we saw planes landing and taking off. One plane almost every minute!! We must have seen at least 700 planes today. Well, to be perfectly honest, Louisa did, Anna fell asleep after the first plane = )  "

Sudddenly we realize it´s time to go. Now the adrenalinerush make us wide awake. Only four hours left for us on this journey. While boarding we overhear someone talking about a monsun in Japan. Later on we ask ourself is this why we are still standing on the ground sitting at our seats in the plane. Almost 40 minutes has passed???

To be continued.....

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